1st Grade Crew // Tools!
One of my favorite ELA Modules is learning about tools! I think it’s my favorite because it gets students super excited about their learning and understanding how tools are important. Many people just think of tools as hardware like a hammer, screwdriver, wrench, etc. But tools can be math tools, science tools, writing tools, construction, like anything we can use to help people do something is a tool. In first grade, we discover all types of tools and how we can use them to get the job done.
We kicked off our module by having a field expert come talk to our 1st graders! They were so excited to meet with Ms. Kyle and Mr. Nick. Kyle is our school founder and Nick is the head contractor for our new building renovation. The students were able to explore the school and go outside to learn about some construction tools. Another field expert, Mr. Nate, came to build both crews a birdhouse. He described each tool he used and built the birdhouse in front of the students. The students were engaged and truly enjoyed both experiences.
In class, we read many books about tools to learn about them. We also read about different habits of characters the characters used to build magnificent objects. Some of the Habit of Characters students noticed was curiosity and creativity, cooperation, perseverance, and responsibility.
Our crew decided to use everything we learned about tools and make our classroom better. Students used tools to make bathroom passes, student work signs, homework folder tray, and pencil holders. We are still making our magnificent objects for our classroom due to some revisions.
Next step, once we make our magnificent objects for our classroom we are going to do a School Tool Drive. We are going to collect as many school tools as possible to give to a school who may need school tools. The first grade crews are super excited about everything they’ve learned about tools and want to make an impact by giving back to our community.