Enrichment // Music Club

This spring, I have had the privilege of spending my Monday afternoons singing and dancing with music club! Students in music have been working on learning five songs and dances to the mini-musical Stone Soup. Stone Soup is a story about travelers who visit a town of grumpy townspeople who have nothing to eat. The travelers teach the townspeople to make a special soup (called stone soup), but they require the townspeople to contribute food items they have at home. The townspeople soon learn that they can make something for everyone to be happy by sharing what they have themselves.

We’ve spent our music practices listening to recordings of the songs, singing and repeating small parts of the songs, and clapping out the beats to begin to learn basic rhythm. Students have begun to learn about following notes, learning what music notes indicate when to pause and when to repeat, and how to begin to control volume. We’ve been working with two volunteers, Fred and Jennifer Dewey, who have experience in a band, church choir, and musical theatre. Fred has taken us to the gym and stage to play on the piano, and the piano has helped us really slow down the notes to learn all of the words. Jennifer, who has a degree in dance, has been teaching us dance moves to go with each song.

In the last few weeks of school, we are assigning individual roles, singing parts, and speaking parts to students and practicing for our final performance. Look for an invitation to our final performance in June! We can’t wait to share what we’ve learned about singing as well as what we’ve learned about sharing to make our world a better place!

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1st Grade Crew // Labs!


3rd Grade Crew // Reading Buddies!