Habits of Character // Contest!
As you pick up your kid from school on our early release Friday you will probably hear a lot of excitement coming from the gym. One of our favorite things to do at DAA is to celebrate our kids! Each Friday we get to celebrate one crew who has shown incredible compassion, cooperation, integrity, responsibility, perseverance, and curiosity and creativity throughout the week. You will certainly hear us singing our DAA cheer led by our light leaders and an exciting drum roll prior to Ms. Monge announcing which crew won for the week.
In order to fairly decide which crew wins we, as a staff, all use class dojo to track positive points when crews show certain habits of character. The class with the most points at the end of the week is our winner and has earned the bragging rights along with winning. Our students earn character contest points in many ways throughout the week such as having 100% participation in crew (responsibility), quick and quiet transitions in the hallway (integrity), or giving their best effort and not giving up on a test (perseverance). Each given point aligns directly to one of our six habits of character to celebrate when our kids show them together as a crew. These points can be given by their homeroom teacher or by another staff member who compliments the crew on their habits of character including at breakfast, lunch, and specials.
Each crew has won the character contest at least once this school year and it is quite exciting to watch the anticipation and excitement for the announcement each Friday afternoon. While only one class can win each week, it is so special to see other crews sending “shine” (one of our ways of celebrating others) to the winning crew. We hope that you can join us for one of our Friday community crews to see how proud our students are for their commitment to continuously building their character.
*If you would like to see how your child shows character throughout the week please connect with your child’s teacher and get connected on dojo! We’d love to have you connected!