First Grade Celebration of Learning // Garbage & Recycling
At the end of every expedition at Detroit Achievement Academy we celebrate everything we've learned, accomplished, and created with a celebration of learning. We invite families and community members to come to school and learn with us. These are really special events for everyone involved.
First grade recently finished an expedition on garbage and recycling. We wanted to create an interactive, energetic celebration of learning to engage everyone who attended. For the last hour of the day on a Friday, first graders became the teachers and taught their students about garbage, recycling, art, and music. We started with a song - they sang about recycling while they created rhythms on instruments they made from trash. Then they led their families through centers to teach important concepts. Families read student-created books about how to make treasure from trash, practiced making decorations and jewelry using recycled materials, practiced playing our homemade instruments, participated in a landfill making demonstration, learned about the dangers of litter, and more.
Our celebration of learning was a huge success, and it was great to see kindergartners, teachers, and families learning from first graders. It was an empowering and memorable experience for them.
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