DAA’s ACE (aftercare and enrichment) Program
This past week was our first ever to have after school enrichment programming! And it rocked. We had students writing thank you notes to an object with 826michigan, getting fitted for swimming suits and learning about water safety with Detroit Swims, stretching their minds in chess and their bodies in yoga, and running laps and learning the rules of the game in soccer. This is only the beginning of enrichment at DAA. We plan on having more programs the second half of the school year--music, art, dance, capoeira, robotics, and many more! Because we truly believe it’s our responsibility to holistically support and educate kids, DAA has made enrichment a priority this year. Two of our guiding principles at DAA are “the social curriculum is just as important as the academic curriculum”, and “the greatest cognitive growth happens through social interaction”. We recognize that children learn and develop through many different mediums throughout their lives (most of these social), so at DAA we want to make sure we give our parents healthy, active, interesting and positive options for their children to thrive outside of the classroom. If you would like to get involved in our after school programming in some way, please feel free to contact our Enrichment Coordinator, Katy Strader, at katy@detroitachievement.org.
What are we offering right now?
826Michigan is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students ages 6-18 with their creative and expository writing skills. Writing Club is a combination of skill-building and interactive activities with 826 Michigan teachers and volunteers. Writing Club will culminate with a publishing party featuring student work!
Detroit PAL is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide safe and supportive places for kids to play through athletic, academic and leadership development programs. They offer a variety of organized sports teams, recreational leagues, and coaches and mentor training all over Detroit. The DAA coed soccer team practices at DAA, and play games in Northwest Detroit.
SWIM LESSONS with Detroit Swims Initiative
Detroit Swims Initiative is a nonprofit that partners with the YMCA to help ensure children in Detroit can learn critical water safety and swimming skills. Swim lessons at a high school pool close to DAA with Detroit Swims Initiative certified instructors and volunteers.
CHESS CLUB with Mr. Buckman
Chess Club is a chance for all children to learn mastery over themselves and their minds. Chess has been proven to increase intelligence, test scores, and self-esteem. Chess club is run by our very own social worker, Mr. B!
YOGA and NUTRITION with Jay and Nicole
Yoga and nutrition is a space for children to develop a consistent yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practice. Jay and Nicole are both certified yoga teachers, with backgrounds in nutrition and business.