DAA Has a Passion for Compassion!
During the first six weeks of the school year at DAA, we focus on building our school and classroom culture. From morning greetings to fun and silly group activities to afternoon appreciations (complete with hand motions!), the beginning of the year is all about building a sense of community.
Focusing on our Habit of Character Compassion is one of the most meaningful ways that our students begin to come together as a crew. This week, we spent time talking about different ways we can show kindness toward our crew, our families, and our community. We practiced smiling at one another when we say hello. We gave each other compliments to make someone feel special and important. We also learned how to show compassion when we have a disagreement or conflict. Second graders practiced using the "Peace Path" to solve a problem with a friend by listening to a friend's feelings, brainstorming solutions for how to make it better next time, and giving a hug, high five, or handshake to feel better right at that moment.
Our students are building skills and habits to lead compassionate and caring lives--not only this year but also in the future as they become engaged and joyful citizens of our broader Detroit community!