DAA's 2nd Grade Social




Being a part of Detroit Achievement Academy is a humbling experience in so many ways. What was a fragile idea for a school a few years ago has grown into a thriving school. I think it is an organization of the highest kind and am very fortunate to be a part of it.

We recently had our Second Grade Social and I could not help but be in awe of those in attendance. Our amazing teachers and staff, our amazing founder Kyle, some of our amazing donors, my fellow board members, our school photographer, and other people who just love the school and help it function in ways I can only imagine, were all in the same room together!  Talking, laughing, and celebrating Detroit Achievement Academy. It was just incredible! I thought back to walking through the dirty wing of an old church building with Kyle when Detroit Achievement Academy was just an idea, and how thanks to all of their efforts it has transformed into a life changing experience for our students. The school literally could not be what it is today without every single person in that room.

The even more exciting part was watching everyone in the room plotting for the future. While the school is an amazing place today, it is even more humbling to think of what this group of people is prepared and will do in the future. Can you imagine the effort and work required to grow the school from the two grades we have now, to the nine we will eventually have? The school is very lucky to have such talented and gracious friends who know much work is yet to be done and are eager to do it. I’m looking forward to the hard work still ahead knowing I have such good company to work with along the way.



What can you do with paint?


Socially yours.