Authentic Experiences: Raising Not-So-Creepy Crawlers in the Classroom
In our 2nd grade Reading Modules 3 and 4, we explored the guiding questions, “How do we get the fruits, flowers, and vegetables we enjoy?” , “How do pollinators help plants grow and survive?” and “How do we become researchers and share our learning?”
It has been a second grade tradition to enhance our learning in Modules 3 and 4 by raising and releasing caterpillars to butterflies! We begin by learning about caterpillars and take a few minutes during labs each day to make observations and notice how they grow and change. After a few days of eating, the caterpillars all transformed into a chrysalis and hung on the top of the cup. Students observed in amazement as their caterpillar friends changed rapidly and in only a couple short weeks, they watched as they hatched into beautiful butterflies. We allowed the butterflies to remain in their cage for a day to make observations and observe their unique colors and patterns. We guided students to observe how their body parts aided in pollination (hairy body and legs to collect pollen and their long proboscis to drink nectar). Students were intentional about jotting down these specific notes in their observation journal and then were able to use these notes to write their final products- a convincing opinion piece about why its important to protect and save pollinators.
Because of this special project, students got a firsthand experience with creatures they may have otherwise been fearful of and instead, were proud of raising and releasing into the wild to continue their important job- pollinating!